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Mimosa pudica var. unijuga (Duchass. & Walp.) Griseb., 1857


Distribution : "On streambanks, along ditches, in disturbed or waste places and in pastures, mostly below 250 m, but as a weed ascending to 1000 m or more, widespread and locally abundant around and within the Caribbean basin, thence extending rarely to the Bahamas and w. to the s. periphery of Gulf of Mexico, and s. to scattered stations on both slopes in Central America; in S. America s. interruptedly through Colombia to lowland w. Ecuador, and from Trinidad s. through the Guianas to Para, Brazil, discontinuously to Bahia; isolated in n.-e. Bolivia and adj. Brazil (Rondonia). In the Old World extensively naturalized in s.-e. Asia (Burma, Vietnam), Sri Lanka, Polynesia, and sparingly so in e. tropical Africa (Brenan, 1959), Reunion. Hawaiian Is." (Barneby 1991).


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