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Angelonia gardneri Hook., 1840

accepté comme Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl., 1812


Date de publication : Bot. Mag. 66: pl. 3754. 1839.
Type : "This beautiful species of Angelonia is No. 1086 of the Brazilian Collection ot the indefatigable Mr. Gardner, by whom it was found in rather dry, open places in the province of Pernambuco. Seeds were sent to the Glasgow Botanic Garden in 1838, and the plants raised from them flowered in the stove in May, 1839." [protologue].
Brésil, Pernambuco, rather dry, open places, G. Gardner 1086 (LT: K [désigné comme "lectotype" par Souza & Giuletti, Pesquisa Botânica, 60: 182. 2009]; ILT: G, MO, P).
In the living state covered by a glandular pubescence. It is suffruticose, about 3 feet high. Grows in rather dry open places. A very beautiful plant.
(LT: K000528893; IT: BM000953339, E00326107, E00326108, E00326109, F0072280F [fragment], G00356446, G00356447, GH00077889, K000528894, K000528895, K000528898, MO-503844, NY00067828, NY00067829, P00584241, P00584242, P00584243, S04-3189 [b], US00121978).
Brésil, Pernambuco, rather dry, open places, graines envoyées par G.Gardner au jardin botanique de Glasgow en 1838, floraison sous serre en 05/1839 (illustration: pl. 3754 in Bot. Mag. 66. 1839).


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