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Clerodendrum x speciosum Dombrain, 1869


Date de publication : Fl. Mag. (London), 8: pl. 432. 1869 [début? 1869, fide IPNI].
Description originale : We some time ago (plate 255) figured a very beautiful plant of this family, Clerodendron Thompsoni, var. Balfouri, the beautiful contrast of whose white and crimson flowers has made it a striking object wherever it has been grown or exhibited. We have now the pleasure of drawing attention to another hybrid variety, which comes from the prolific establishment of Mr. Wm. Bull, of Chelsea [...]. This new variety may be regarded as one of the gems of the season as a handsome and effective exhibition plant. It is across between the well-known C. Balfouri and C. splendens. It partakes of the character of the latter in the immensely large and dense dichotomous cymes, from which the flowers are produced ; in this variety, instead of the calyx being pure white, as in C. Balfouri, it has a reddish hue, and the corolla, instead of a bright scarlet, is a deep rose, slightly shaded with violet, the marginal portions being of a bright vermilion.


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