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Theobroma cacao L., 1753


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 2: 782. 1753 [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Statut biogéographique : D'après Molino et al. (Adansonia, 44(26): [345-]559[-903]. 13/12/2022): "Probably introduced to French Guiana by pre-Columbian Amerindians. It is now naturalised on or near archaeological sites in southern French Guiana."
Type : "Habitat in America meridionali, Antillis." [protologue].
Jamaïque, "planted here very frequently", H. Sloane s.n. (LT: illustration de "Cacao" t. 160 in Sloane, Voy. Jamaica, 2: 15. 1725 [fide TL-2, 12104] [désigné par Dorr in Jarvis & al. (ed.), Regnum Veg., 127: 93. 1993]; TT: BM000589108 [ex hb. Sloane 5: 59; illustration: BM000589107]).
D'après The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project: "Cuatrecasas (in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 35(6): 385, 496, 508, 513. 1964) designated the flowers and leaves in Herb. Sloane 5: 59 (BM-SL) as lectotype, with a Tournefort illustration (not cited in Linnaeus' protologue) as a "Fruit-lectotype". As Linnaeus would not have seen the flowers themselves, they cannot be original material for the name. However, Dorr has formally designated Sloane's illustration as lectotype, with Sloane's material (the basis for the illustration) as typotype."


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