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Posoqueria latifolia (Rudge) Roem.& Schult., 1819


Autorité : D'après Tropicos: "extraparenthetical authorship often given as "Roem. & Schult.," but Schultes was the sole author of Syst. Veg. Vol. 5 (see TL-2, as well as ICBN Art. 46, Ex. 11)." Néanmoins d'après Molino et al. (Adansonia, 44(26): 663. 13/12/2022): "Even though volume 5 of the Systema vegetabilium was published shortly after Roemer’s death, Schultes’ foreword clearly confirms Roemer’s prominent role. Therefore, contrary to Stafleu & Cowan’s recommendation (1983: TL-2-9408), most names should be ascribed to Roemer and Schultes, not Schultes alone." Cette hypothèse iconoclaste mériterait d'être un peu étayée (quel passage dans la préface...).
Date de publication : Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis), 5: 227-228. 1819 [12/1819, fide TL-2, 9408].


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