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Parmentiera cereifera Seem., 1854


Date de publication : Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc., 3: [300-]302[-306]. 1851. Voir aussi Seem., Bot. Voy. Herald, (5): 183, pl. 32. 1854 [07/1854, fide TL-2, 11601].
Distribution : "Apparently restricted to limestone outcrops on the Atlantic slope of the Canal Zone and adjacent central Panama, where it is locally common. It is widely cultivated as a curiosity throughout the tropics." (Gentry 1980). Voir aussi GBIF.
Type : Panama, vallée de Chagres, B.C. Seeman s.n. (HT: K000450010 [ex hb. Hook.], K000450011).


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