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Sanchezia speciosa Leonard, 1926


Date de publication : J. Wash. Acad. Sci., 16(18): 490. 1926.
Type : "Type in U.S. National Herbarium, no. 522,243, collected in the Botanical Garden of Havana, Cuba, January, 1905, by A. H. Curtiss (no. 622). Another specimen was collected from the same place and probably from the same plant by Van Hermann (no. 2700). Additional specimen examined: Martinique Duss 835 (Y)." [protologue].
Cuba, jardin botanique de la Havane, 28/01/1905, fleurs, A.H. Curtiss 622 (HT: US00136449; IT: K000882617, MO-256571, P00719179).


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