Autorité : Le nom et la diagnose sont signés "
Linn. fil.". La préface (voir p. [
vi1) lève toute ambiguité quant à l'interprétation à donner à cette signature: elle indique des extraits de manuscrits
2 non publiés de Linné fils ayant été communiqués directement par ce dernier. L'application du Code (ICN Shenzhen, Art.
46.23) implique donc de citer l'auteur comme "L.f." [ou éventuellement "L.f.
in Aiton"], mais ni "L.f. ex Aiton" ni "Aiton"!
"When the younger Linnaeus was in England, in 1781 and 1782, he
composed a treatise on the Palms and Liliaceous Plants, extracts of
which, as far as was thought likely to be ufeful to this Catalogue, he
communicated to the Author; this Manuscript is quoted under the
abbreviation of
Linn. fil. His death, which happened soon after
his return to Sweden, prevented its publication; but it is in the
possession of Dr. James Edward Smith, of London, as are also the
libraries and collections of both the Father and the Son."
2 aujourd'hui conservés par la Société Linnéenne de Londres et consultables en ligne
[voir par ex. "
De Liliaceis et affinibus plantis", "
Liliacea", ou "
Palmarum descriptiones"].
3 Tropicos fait erreur en indiquant "the description is from L.f. but following ICBN 46.6 ex 21 [ICN Shenzhen,
Art. 46.8, ex. 43], author is just Aiton". Ici c'est bien l'Art.
46.2 qui s'applique!
Description originale : 2.
rinum]. (
erubescens) foliis lanceolatis cartilagineo-crenulatis apice producto explanato, floribus sessilibus, tubo limbo longiore. Linn. fil.
Crinum americanum β Sp. pl. 419.
Crinum foliis carinatis. Mill. ic. 73. tab. 110.
Small American Crinum.
Nat. of the West Indies.
Cult. 1756, by Mr. Philip Miller. Mill. ic. loc. cit.
Fl. at various Seasons. S[tove; voir p.
xxx]. ♃ [perennial; voir p.