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Crinum erubescens L.f., 1789


Autorité : Le nom et la diagnose sont signés "Linn. fil.". La préface (voir p. [v-]vi1) lève toute ambiguité quant à l'interprétation à donner à cette signature: elle indique des extraits de manuscrits2 non publiés de Linné fils ayant été communiqués directement par ce dernier. L'application du Code (ICN Shenzhen, Art. 46.23) implique donc de citer l'auteur comme "L.f." [ou éventuellement "L.f. in Aiton"], mais ni "L.f. ex Aiton" ni "Aiton"!
1 "When the younger Linnaeus was in England, in 1781 and 1782, he composed a treatise on the Palms and Liliaceous Plants, extracts of which, as far as was thought likely to be ufeful to this Catalogue, he communicated to the Author; this Manuscript is quoted under the abbreviation of Linn. fil. His death, which happened soon after his return to Sweden, prevented its publication; but it is in the possession of Dr. James Edward Smith, of London, as are also the libraries and collections of both the Father and the Son."
2 aujourd'hui conservés par la Société Linnéenne de Londres  et consultables en ligne [voir par ex. "De Liliaceis et affinibus plantis", "Liliacea", ou "Palmarum descriptiones"].
3 Tropicos fait erreur en indiquant "the description is from L.f. but following ICBN 46.6 ex 21 [ICN Shenzhen, Art. 46.8, ex. 43], author is just Aiton". Ici c'est bien l'Art. 46.2 qui s'applique!
Date de publication : in Aiton, Hort. Kew., 3: 413. 1789 [07/08-10/10/1789, fide TL-2, 72].
Description originale : 2. C[rinum]. (erubescens) foliis lanceolatis cartilagineo-crenulatis apice producto explanato, floribus sessilibus, tubo limbo longiore. Linn. fil.
Crinum americanum β Sp. pl. 419.
Crinum foliis carinatis. Mill. ic. 73. tab. 110.
Small American Crinum.
Nat. of the West Indies.
Cult. 1756, by Mr. Philip Miller. Mill. ic. loc. cit.
Fl. at various Seasons. S[tove; voir p. xxx]. ♃ [perennial; voir p. xxx].


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