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Plumbago zeylanica L., 1753


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 1: 151. 1753. [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Description originale : 2 PLUMBAGO (zeylanica) foliis petiolatis. Hort. cliff. 53 [Hort. Cliff. 53. 1738 fide TL-2, 4719]. Hort. ups. 43 [Hort. Ups. 43. 26/04/1748, fide TL-2, 4647]. Fl. zeyl. 73 [Fl. zeyl. 30-31. 06/1847, fide TL-2, 4740]. Roy. lugdb. 417 [Fl. Leyd. Prodr. 417. 1740, fide TL-2, 9730].
Dentillaria lychnoides sylvatica scandens, flore albo. Sloan. hist. 1. p. 211. t. 133. f. 1. [Voy. Jamaica, 1: 211, t. 133, f. 1, 1707, fide TL-2, 12104].
Lychnis indica spicata, ocymastri foliis, fructibus lappaceis oblongis, radice urente. Comm. hort. 2. p. 169. t. 5 [Horti Med. Amstelod., 2: 169-170. t. 85. 1701, fide TL-2, 1187].
Habitat in India utraque. ♃
Distribution : D'après Friis et al. (Webbia, 67(2): [157-]172-173[-177]. 14/04/2013): "Edmondson (2006) suggests that it is native to tropical eastern Asia, but has become widely naturalised throughout the tropics of the Old World. For those of the present authors that have seen P. zeylanica in the field in Ethiopia and elsewhere in Africa (Friis and Sebsebe Demissew) it seems difficult to believe that the species is not indigenous to that continent, where the major concentration of species occurs. However,both Edmondson’s and Friis and Sebsebe Demissew’s points of view agree with the general observation that P. zeylanica seems everywhere to be spreading in habitat types influenced by man.
The neotropical P. scandens L. (1762) has been considered a separate species, but is in recent works,e.g. in the Flora of North America [...], considered synonymous with P.zeylanica."
Type : Origine inconnue (LT: LINN-216.2 [désigné par Dyer et al., Fl. Southern Africa, 26: 17. 1963]).
Voir The Linnean Plant Name Typification Project.


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