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Entada Adans., 1763


Date de publication : Fam. Pl., 2: 318, 554. 1763 [07-08/1763, fide TL-2, 26].
Distribution : 40 species, widespread, primarily tropical, but reaching subtropical latitudes in southern Africa and eastern Asia; 29 species in Africa (including Madagascar), 9 species in Asia, 4 species in the Americas; 2 species (E. rheedei and E. gigas) occur in two of these regions. Frequently found in riparian and littoral vegetation, though also in savannah, open woodland, thickets or dense humid to more open and dry forest, often on sandy substrates. (O'Donnell et al. 2022).
Nomenclature : Entada Adans. 1763, nom. cons. vs. Gigalobium P.Browne 1756, nom. rej.!
Voir proposition de conservation de Panigrahi (Taxon, 34(4): 714. 11/1985).
Type : Entada rheedei Spreng., Syst. Veg. (ed. 16), 2: 325. 01-05/1825, fide TL-2, 12698 'Rheedii' [≡ Mimosa entada L., Sp. Pl., 1: 518. 01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769, E. entada (L.) Huth 1893, nom. inval., Pusaetha entada (L.) Kuntze 1891, E. monostachya DC., Prodr., 2: 425. mi-11/1825, fide TL-2, 999, nom. illeg. superfl.] (Inde).


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