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Molossus ater (É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1805)

accepté comme Molossus rufus É. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1805


Synonymie : M. rufus is called ater by many authors, but see Carter and Dolan (1978) and Dolan (1989), who argued, based on descriptions of head and ear shape of both taxa, and examination of the specimens labeled as types of rufus in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, that Molossus ater Geoffroy, 1805, is really an Eumops, and that rufus is really the correct name for the large Molossus often incorrectly called ater.
Consequently, Eumops probably includes Molossus ater E. Geoffroy, 1805, see Dolan (1989). Unfortunately, the type of ater has been lost and its affinities are unclear. (Wilson & Reeder (2005)).


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