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Ataenius imbricatus Melsheimer, 1844


Répartition : D'après Peck (2016) : Ataenius imbricatus (Melsheimer) 1845b: 136; Stebnicka 2003a: 225; Stebnicka 2007b: 27; Turnbow and Thomas 2008: 48; Thomas et al. 2013: 42. Distribution. Bahamas, Caymans, Cuba, Hispaniola,Puerto Rico, St. Croix, Guadeloupe, Barbados. Mexico, Central America, Colombia to Trinidad to Brazil and Argentina; widespread Antilles and Latin America. Notes. In cattle dung; mostly collected at lights. Chalumeau (in litt., Nov., 2012) does not accept that the species is of Guadeloupe so therecord would then be a misidentification.


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