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Ortalis Fallen, 1810 nom. inval.

accepté comme


Nomenclature :
L'homonymie entre Ortalis Fallen, 1810 (Insecta, Diptera, Ulidiidae) et Ortalis Merrem, 1786 (Aves, Galliformes, Cracidae) est toujours d'actualité. Une proposition a été soumise en 2015 au Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature.
Donegan, T. M. 2015. Case 3669 - Family-group names based on Ortalis Merrem, 1786 (Aves, CRACIDAE): proposed conservation of either Ortalida-, Ortalis- or Ortalid- as the stem and suppression of family-group names based on Ortalis Fallén, 1810 (Insecta, Diptera) in the latter two instances, and acceptance of the English text of part of Article 29.3.3 of the Code as definitive in the second instance. The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 72 (2): 142-151.


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