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Sylvia cantillans (Pallas, 1764)

accepté comme Curruca cantillans (Pallas, 1764)


Taxonomie : Svensson (2013) distingue Sylvia inornata de S. cantillans et rattachent les populations du sud de la France à cette espèce. Néanmoins, cette position est actuellement controversée.
Sangster et al. (2015) écrivent :
"At this stage, however, we are unable to support specific rank for Western populations of Subalpine Warbler because the taxonomic position of inornata (North Africa) is based on tail morphology alone and has not yet been documented using molecular data. [...] Thus, pending studies of the position of inornata, the S. cantillans complex is best treated as two species: S. cantillans [...] and S. subalpina [...]
     Références : Sangster et al. (2015) , Svensson (2013)


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