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Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823)


Distribution : Although  the  native  range  of Styela  plicata is  not  known  with certainty, the prevailing hypothesis is that it comes from the NW Pacific area. S. plicata would have then dispersed to other tropical  and warm-water  regions by  ship  fouling,  likely since the early transoceanic navigation times. Moreover, high genetic variability and the putatively most ancient alleles have not   only   been   found   in   the   NW   Pacific   populations   (e.g. Sakushima,  Hong  Kong)  but  also  in  other  oceanic  basins  (e.g. North East Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean). Thus, we could not find any clear genetic signal in favour (or against) the hypothesis on the NW Pacific origin of this species.

     Références : Pineda et al. (2011)


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