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Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors

accepté comme Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938



Création le Dec 21, 2005 par Olivier Gargominy

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Diffusion dans les versions
Version Date Nom et auteurs Taxon de référence
1.0 2005-10-14
2.0 2008-02-15 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
3.0 2010-09-20 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
4.0 2011-10-12 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
5.0 2012-07-18 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
6.0 2013-04-08 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
7.0 2013-11-19 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
8.0 2014-12-01 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
9.0 2015-12-09 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
10.0 2016-11-03 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
11.0 2017-12-06 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
12.0 2018-10-23 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
13.0 2019-12-06 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
14.0 2020-12-15 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
15.0 2021-12-16 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
16.0 2022-12-06 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
17.0 2024-01-10 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938
18.0 2025-01-09 Bathyporeia pilosa of Russian authors Bathyporeia sarsi Watkin, 1938


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