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Glyphocrangon longirostris (Smith, 1882)


Distribution :
​Distribution GF : This species is listed with doubt because Holthuis (1971: 341) made this comment: “Bullis & Thompson (1965)reported the present species from three stations made by the R/V Oregon, viz., Nos. 1302 [NE Gulf Mexico, 890 fathoms, 1627 m], 1908 [Nicaragua, 350 fathoms, 640 m], and 2010 [Suriname, 350 fathoms, 640 m]. The material of the first of these stations is in the U.S. National Museum and proved to be Glyphocrangon nobilis. The two other lots were not available, but as both came from depths far shallower (350 fathoms) than those usually producing G. longirostris, there is good reason to doubt the correctness of these identifications also”.
Profondeur : >100m


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