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Elampus panzeri (Fabricius, 1804)


Nomenclature :

-       Elampus panzeri (F.) [sensu Moczar 1964] : Name of Elampus panzeri often was misapplied to designate E. constrictus (Paukkunen et al. 2014, 2015)The species concept of Moczar (1964) is here followed because it is the most widely used in literature. A revision is needed and nomenclature will probably change. This species is mentioned from France in most works by the names of panzeri (F.), scutellaris (Panzer), angustatus (Mocsary).

     Références : Móczár (1964) , Paukkunen et al. (2015) , Paukkunen et al. (2014)


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