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Mandevilla Lindl., 1840


Date de publication : Edwards's Bot. Reg., 26: t. 7. 1840 [02/1840, planche datée].
Etymologie : "I have much pleasure in naming this beautiful twiner after Henry John Mandeville, Esq. H. B. M. Minister at Buenos Ayres, to whom we are indebted for the introduction of this and many other interesting plants."
Nomenclature : Mandevilla Lindl. 1840, nom. cons. prop. vs. Exothostemon G.Don 1837, nom. rej. prop.
Voir proposition de conservation par Endress, Taxon, 67: 208-209. 2018.
Type : Mandevilla suaveolens Lindl. 1840 [≡ Echites laxus Ruiz & Pav. 1799, Mandevilla laxa (Ruiz & Pav.) Woodson 1932] (Argentine, Buenos Aires).


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