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Conyza Less., 1832

accepté comme Erigeron L., 1753


Date de publication : Syn. Gen. Compos. 203-204. 1832 [07-08/1832, fide TL-2, 4425].
Homonymie : non Conyza L. 1753!
Nomenclature : Conyza Less. 1832, nom. cons. vs. Conyza L. 1753, nom. rej. [type: Conyza squarrosa L. 1753, ≡ Inula conyza DC. 1836]
Conyza Less. 1832, nom. cons. vs. Eschenbachia Moench 1794, nom. rej.
Conyza Less. 1832, nom. cons. vs. Laënnecia Cass. 1822, nom. rej.
Taxonomie : Erigeron-Conyza assemblage is still poorly understood: neither Conyza nor Erigeron as previously defined are monophyletic, nor is it possible yet to dismember them into more satisfactory units, so that the best possible way ahead is to lump them in a widely delimited genus Erigeron.
     Références : Greuter (2003)
Type : typ. cons.: Conyza chilensis Spreng. 1818 [≡ Erigeron chilensis (Spreng.) D.Don ex G.Don 1830; = Erigeron primulifolius (Lam.) Greuter 2003] (Chili, Chamisso, cultivé en Allemagne).


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