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Aira L., 1753 [nom. et typ. cons.]


Lectotype : LT: Aira praecox L. LT designated by Hitchcock, International Bot. Congr. Cambridge (England), 1930. Nomenclature. Proposals by British Botanists 114-155 (1929); also by Hitchcock, Amer. J. Bot. 21: 135 (1934); see also Cope, Taxon 41: 556 (1992); see Jarvis, Taxon 41: 556 (1992)
  • Type discussion: Jarvis, C. E. 1992. Seventy-two proposals for the conservation of types of selected Linnaean generic names, the report of Subcommittee 3C on the lectotypification of Linnaean generic names. Taxon 41(3): 556.
  • Lectotype designated by: Hitchcock, A. S. 1918. Generic types with special reference to the grasses of the United States. Amer. J. Bot. 5: 252.


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