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Pontederiaceae Kunth, 1816 [nom. cons.]


Nomenclature :
​Nom. cons.

     Références : Wiersema et al. (2018)
Taxonomie : "With the present recircumscription of Pontederia, Pontederiaceae now is organised in two monophyletic genera (i.e. Heteranthera and Pontederia). As stated by Pellegrini (2017a) and corroborated by nine phylogenetic studies (Eckenwalder and Barrett 1986; Graham and Barrett 1995; Kohn et al. 1996; Barrett and Graham 1997; Graham et al. 1998, 2002; Ness et al. 2011; this study), the recognition of two genera seems to be the best and most taxonomically conservative option available, since it avoids the description of new genera and the reestablishment of names that were rarely, if ever, used in any relevant taxonomic or floristic study. Finally, this option makes the differentiation of the two accepted genera easy, using either fresh, liquid or herbarium samples." (Pellegrini et al., PhytoKeys, 108: [25-]45[-83]. 29/08/2018).
Type :
​Pontederia L., 1753

     Références : Wiersema et al. (2018)


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