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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Equisetum x willmotii C.N.Page, 1995


Distribution : ​Distribution: Ireland, the Netherlands (Christenhusz 361, PG, U), possible elsewhere.

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)
Formule hybride : Equisetum fluviatile L. × E. telmateia Ehrh.

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)
Holotype : ​Holotype: IRELAND. County Cavan: North of Dowra, near The Black River, H013.295. Roadside bank of tall herbs with a few bushes, locally abundant, 26 July 1984, A. J. Willmot 1313 (E, isotype DBN).

     Références : Christenhusz et al. (2019)


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