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Petunia violacea var. hybrida Hook., 1837

accepté comme Petunia x atkinsiana (Sweet) D.Don ex W.H.Baxter, 1839


Date de publication : Bot. Mag., 64: pl. 3556. 1837 [03/1837, fide planche datée].
Type : "The charming groupe here figured represents seedling varieties of a hybrid between Petunia violacea [≡ Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell. 1915] and P. nyctaginiflora [= Petunia axillaris (Lam.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. 1888], and it must be confessed that here, as in many other vegetable productions, the art and skill of the Horticulturist has improved nature. Cultivation, alone, has, indeed, very much increased the size of the flowers and foliage of this plant: so that it can scarcely be recognized as belonging to the same species as the native specimens sent by Mr. Tweedie; while in plants that are raised from seeds which are the offsrping of P. nyctaginiflora and P. violacea (as represented in the annexed plate), the tube becomes onger, and narrower than in the latter, and the whole plant, save in colour, almost precisely similar to the former. [...] These varieties of Petunia and the Phlox drummondii were decidedly among the greatest ornaments of the green-house in the Glasgow Botanic Garden during the month of May (1836), a season too early for them to come to perfection in the open border." [protologue]


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