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Sorbus x semipinnata Hedl., 1901

accepté comme Hedlundia x thuringiaca (Nyman) Sennikov & Kurtto, 2017


Lectotype : Described from Central Europe. Type: [illustration in] Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl. 35(1): 56, fig. 10b. 1901 (neotype designated by Velebil & Businský (2016: 353), as ”lectotype”)
     Références : Sennikov & Kurtto (2017)
Taxonomie : Pyrus semipinnata Roth (1827) is a new name for Sorbus hybrida L. (1762) with P. pinnatifida Ehrh. (1791) as a nomenclatural synonym. For his S. semipinnata, Hedlund referred to Pyrus semipinnata Roth as a synonym, but excluded its synonyms, e.g., on p. 51, he treated P. pinnatifida Ehrh. (1791) and Sorbus hybrida L. (1762) as synonyms under S. fennica Fries. Thus Hedlund published S. semipinnata a sp. nov. (IPNI)


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