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Scilla maritima L., 1753

accepté comme Squilla maritima (L.) Steinh., 1836


Lectotype :
​Lectotype (designated here) : [icon in] Clusius (1601: 171), “Scillae hispanicae flos & semen”: only the illustration of the bulb with a flowering scape (but see also Ferrer-Gallego, 2013 : 40). 
Epitype (designated here): PORTUGAL. Sierra de Monsanto, environs de Lisbonne, pentes pierreuses, Jul−Aug 1877, J. Daveau (P barcode P02166423!). image available at: https://science.mnhn.fr/institution/mnhn/collection/p/item/p02166423. 
Isoepitypes: P barcode P02166260!, P barcode P02166417!, P barcode P01811235!, P barcode P01811236!

     Références : Martínez-azorín et al. (2022)


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