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Salsola soda L., 1753

accepté comme Soda inermis Fourr., 1869


Lectotype : LT : (LINN-315.7) LT designated by Hedge, Regnum Veg. 127: 84 (1993)
     Références : Tropicos (1980-)
Synonymie : Akhani et al. (2014) commented that “[i]f Kali were to become Salsola, the current ca. 25 species of Salsola would all have to be transferred to Soda (Dumort.) Fourr., with the possible exception of S. soda itself for which the name Soda inermis Fourr. already exists (note, however, that the latter name might be jeopardised by some older potential synonym such as Salsola mutica C.A. Mey.)”. Indeed, because Soda predates all other names of the genera placed in Salsola by Akhani et al. (2007), this generic name should be used in the future for species of the extended genus (Salsola sensu Akhani et al.), if this generic circumscription stands.
     Références : Mosyakin et al. (2017)


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