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Sagina stricta Fr., 1824

accepté comme Sagina maritima Don, 1806


Lectotype : Lectotype (designated here): [Sweden], in littore maris petroso ad Cimbritshamn [Simrishamn], s.d. [early 19th century], s.coll. s.n. (LD 1078922A; isolectotype: LD 1769712). – Protologue: “In litore maris petroso ad Cimbritshamn”.

     Références : Dillenberger & Kadereit (2022)
Remarques : Note: The lectotype was chosen based on the locality, its deposition in a Swedish herbarium and its assumed age based on the collection it belongs to (C. A. Agardh).
     Références : Dillenberger & Kadereit (2022)


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