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Quercus ilex L., 1753


Lectotype :
  • LT: Herb. Clifford - 448. (BM/BC:BM000647421)
    • Type discussion: Vázquez Pardo, F. M. & A. J. Coombes. 2017. (2569) Proposal to conserve the name Quercus ilex (Fagaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 66(6): 1474.
    • Lectotype designated by : Iamonico, D. & L. Peruzzi. 2013. Lectotypification of Linnaean names in the genus Quercus (Fagaceae). Taxon 62(5): 1043.
  • CTP: Herb. Linn. - 1128.4 (LINN)
    • Type discussion: Vázquez Pardo, F. M. & A. J. Coombes. 2017. (2569) Proposal to conserve the name Quercus ilex (Fagaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 66(6): 1473.
Nomenclature : [nom. & typ. cons. prop.]
     Références : Vázquez & Coombes (2017)
Type : Typus:    Herb.    Linnaeus    No.    1128.4!    (LINN),    typ.    cons.    prop
     Références : Vázquez & Coombes (2017)


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