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Pyrola maritima Kenyon, 1847 [nom. inval.]

accepté comme Pyrola rotundifolia subsp. maritima E.F.Warb., 1952


Nomenclature : Syme, Engl. Bot., ed. 3B. 6: 47, t. 896. 1866; p. 47 shows P. rotundifolia var. arenaria as the accepted name and “P. maritima” as a synonym] (IPNI)
Validité :
Nom. inval. (ICN article 36.1.)
Protologue: ‘Remarks on a Pyrola found in Lancashire, by Mr. Kenyon. Specimens of this plant, which is considered by its discoverer as a new species, and which he proposes to call P. maritima. in allusion to the localities in which it is generally found, were shown to the meeting. It is nearly allied to P. rotundifolia from which it may be distinguished by its size, the form and length of its sepals, and length of the stamens. Some excellent botanists who have examined it, are of opinion that it is only a variety of that species.’ [Evans, who provided the remarks, did not adequately distinguish “P. maritima” from P. rotundifolia L.; measurements lacking; he did not accept “P. maritima” as a new species] (IPNI)


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