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Pulmonaria officinalis L., 1753


Lectotype :
  • LT: Herb. Burser XIV(2): 51 (left-hand specimen only); ; (UPS) LT designated by Selvi in Cafferty & Jarvis (ed.), Taxon 53(3): 804 (2004)

     Références : Tropicos (1980-)
Lectotype : Locus classicus: “in Europae nemoribus”. Lecto-type (Selvi in Cafferty & Jarvis 2004: 804):“Florentiae, Monspeliiin horto Regio”, Herb.Figure 16. Italian distribution ofPulmonaria hirta; “the black star indicates the type locality”.Boraginaceae in Italy II649Burser XIV(2): 51, the specimen on the left (UPS-BURSER 174570!)
     Références : Cecchi & Selvi (2015)
Statut biogéographique : Naturalisé
     Références : Tison et al. (2014)


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