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Poa bulbosa L., 1753


Lectotype :
  • LT : Hasselquist, Frederic - Herb. Linn. 87.57 - LINN. (LINN) First-step designation by Meikle (1985); second-step designation by R. Soreng in Caffert et al. (2000)
    • Lectotype designated by : Cafferty, S., C. E. Jarvis & N. J. Turland. 2000. Typification of Linnaean plant names in the Poaceae (Gramineae).  Taxon, 49(2): 255.
    • Lectotype designated by : Meikle, R. D. 1985. Fl. Cyprus, 2: 1742.
  • LT : Hasselquist s.n. LT designated by Meikle, Fl. Cyprus 2: 1742, but specific sheet not indicated; specific sheet indicated by Soreng in Cafferty et al., Taxon 49(2): 255 (2000); ps: Hasselquist is known to have collected in Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Sweden (no indication he collected in Gallia; fide HUH)
  • ST : Hasselquist ; viviparous

     Références : Tropicos (1980-)


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