Description originale : 302.
Piaropus tricolor Raf. Fol. cordatis ovatisque, acutis, corollis purpurascens, petalo major tricolor, stam. piloso. glandulosis, pistilis viridis. From Guyana to Guayaquil, probably several sp. that of Swartz and Antilles has azure flowers, this has them pale purple, the upper petal blue in the middle with a yellow spot, fl. 3 inches. -
Pont. azurea Hook,
b. m. 2932 Synon. dub. ad Kunth, Hoenk, confer.
Type : "This most curious and beautiful of plants has, I believe, for some years been cultivated in our stoves, and was introduced by Mr. Aiton to the Royal Gardens, at Kew; and, if I mistake not, from Brazil. To that gentleman we are indebted for the possession of our plants in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, where they flowered in great perfection, in July, 1829, immediately on being removed from a small tub to the larger aquarium of the stove." [Hook.
in Curtis's Bot. Mag., 56:
t. 2932. 01/09/1829, fide
pl. datée].
Brésil, cultivé sous serre au jardin botanique de Glasgow (Écosse), 07/1829, fleurs (HT:
t. 2932 sub
Pontederia azurea in Curtis's Bot. Mag., 56, 01/09/1829, fide
pl. datée).