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Orchis collina Banks & Sol., 1794

accepté comme Anacamptis collina (Banks & Sol.) R.M.Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W.Chase, 1997


Autorité : ​Preface VIII (bottom)--IX (top): “The Catalogue of Plants, growing in the vicinity of Aleppo, will be found to have undergone material alteration, and to be much improved. But it is my duty to acknowledge that this is to be ascribed to the friendly assistance of Sir Joseph Banks, (and the late Doctor Solander,) who, with their usual readiness to countenance every attempt tending to the advancement of Natural History, bestowed many hours on the examination of a large Collection of Specimens from Syria; and, after correcting numberless errors in the former arrangement, composed the classical catalogue now substituted for the old one.”​


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