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Passiflora heterophylla Aiton, 1789

accepté comme Passiflora pallida L., 1753


Autorité : D'après Tropicos: "ICN 46.8, ex. 37: "Although the descriptions in Aiton's Hortus kewensis (1789) are generally considered to have been written by Solander or Dryander, the names of new taxa published there must be attributed to Aiton, the stated author of the work, except where a name and description were both ascribed in that work to somebody else." Voir aussi TL-2, 72.
Date de publication : Hort. Kew., 3: 309. 1789 [07/08-01/10/1789, fide TL-2, 72].​
Homonymie : ​non Passiflora heterophylla Lam., Encycl., 3(1): 41. 19/10/1789 fide TL-2, 4136 [≡ Passiflora insueta Feuillet & J.M.MacDougal  2008, subg. Decaloba supersect. Multiflora] (Haiti, Anse à Pittes, C. Plumier)!​


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