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Agave americana var. franzosinii Sprenger, 1885

accepté comme Agave franzosinii (Sprenger) P.Sewell, 1889


Etymologie : D'après J. Thiede (Taxon, 66(4): 985[-986] . 08/2017): "It was first mentioned as a mere name (“A. Franzosinii ”) by della Valle di Casanova (in Garden (London, 1871–1927) 11: 63. 27 Jan 1877), in a report on plants cultivated at the eponymous Villa Franzosini at Intra, Lago Maggiore (Italy), where its name was apparently coined and the plant may have originated."​
D'après Baker (Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1892: 3 . 1892): "Mr. Hanbury tells me it was introduced to La Mortola in 1878, and probably named in honour of Francesco Franzosini, proprietor of the Villa Franzosini and a rich garden at Intra on the Lago Maggiore, which was rented for some years by the late Sir G. Macleay."
Orthographe : ​Publié comme "Franzosini " orth. var.!
Type : ​Origine inconnue, cultivé au jardin de La Mortola (Vintimille, Ligurie, Italie) par T. Hanbury, 22/07/1909?, fleurs, A. Berger ​(NT: pl. 8317 in A. Berger, Bot. Mag., 136. 06/1910 [néotype désigné par J. Thiede in Taxon, 66(4): 985[-986]. 08/2017]).​


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