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Drimia purpurascens J.Jacq., 1812

accepté comme Squilla undulata (Desf.) Mart.-Azorín, M.B.Crespo & M.Á.Alonso, 2022


Lectotype :
​LECTOTYPE (designated here): [icon in] J.Jacq., Ecl. Pl. Rar. 1(3–4), t. 30. 1812 (Fig. 1a): only the flowering scape with bulb. 
EPITYPE (designated here): ITALY. Sardaigne, 1838, E. Thomas (P barcode P02166250!): the fragment on the left side of the sheet. Image available at: http://media photo .mnhn.fr/media /14413 08118 475YugdzUb 1wb0c zBPy

     Références : Crespo et al. (2020)


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