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Isoetes lacustris var. tenella Léman, 1822

accepté comme Isoetes lacustris L., 1753


Date de publication :
​Léman in Cuvier, Dict. Sci. Nat. 24: 14. 1822
Lectotype :
​Lectotype (designated by Fuchs in Beih. Nova Hedwigia 3:  54, 103, fig. 12. 1962 ):  [Illustration] “Flora Danica Tab. CXCI”in Oeder, Fl. Dan.: t. 191. 1765.

Epitype  (designated  here): “Norwegen: Valasjöen zw. Dombas und Hjerkin (Dovre), 936 m NN”, 13. X.  1972, Hinz s.n. (B barcode B 20  136040!). — For image of megaspores of the epitype, see Fig. 2.

     Références : Greuter & Troia (2015)


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