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Dryopteris dilatata subsp. lusitanica Fraser-Jenk., Andreis & Vasco Silva, 2021


Distribution : Portugal
     Références : Fraser-jenkins et al. (2020)
Holotype : Holotype: from Portugal, Prov. de Lisboa, Municip. Sintra & Cascais, N. side of Pedras Irmãs, immediately above road, shortly east of the Peninha, western end of Serra da Sintra, above and E. of Azoia, N. of Cascais, forested N.-facing slope, with Ruscus and invasive Rubus among lower rocks below the top of the hillock, c. 400 m., C.R. Fraser-Jenkins & Jacob C.B. Fraser-Jenkins 36198, 10.10.2019, LISE. (spores sent to Dr. J.-F. Christians, Lyon).
     Références : Fraser-jenkins et al. (2020)


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