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Dryopteris affinis subsp. punctata Fraser-Jenk., 2007

accepté comme Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk., 1979 s. str.


Holotype : Holotype, here designated: Switzerland, Kt. Zürich, above Hutten [N. side of Hohen Rohn mountain], c. 950 m. alt., Leg. E. Oberholzer, 3 Oct. 1962; frond pressed by T. Reichstein 740, 12 Aug. 1974, in BM! (sheet with the lower half of the frond is here designated holotype), isotypes: in BM! Z! ZT! NY! GRU! DUB! Fronds collected by the present author from the type-plant cult. by T. Reichstein in Basel: in BM! FR! BR! G! NMW!
     Références : Fraser-jenkins (2007)


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