Lectotype : Lectotype (designated here):—[FRANCE: Puy-de-Dôme] dans le lac de Guéry, août 1850, E. Cosson s.n. (P barcode P01217445!
(http://mediaphoto.mnhn.fr/media/1441293183178fy6FTW1HVK76AJWV) (Fig. 3), only the plant, consisting of 7 pieces, at the
left bottom of the sheet; isolectotypes: P, barcode P01217446! (only the 3 plants at bottom of the sheet, whose megaspores have been
checked; the other plant in the upper part of the sheet belongs to a different gathering, barcode P04025759); possible isolectotype: P
barcode P01250216! (no spores available).
Références :
Boudrie et al. (2024)