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Monteverdia guyanensis (Klotzsch ex Reissek) Biral, 2019


Source de la synonymie (de Maytenus guyanensis Klotzsch ex Reissek, 1861)
Biral, L. 2019. A new combination in Monteverdia (Celastraceae). Brittonia, 71(4): 401-402. [CD_REF = 1036090P] Monteverdia guyanensis (Klotzsch ex Reissek) Biral, 2019
Distribution : "Monteverdia guyanensis is a common species in the Amazon basin, where it occurs in both seasonally inundated (várzea) and terra firme forests (Biral and Lombardi 2014). In Brazil, it has been recorded in the states of Amazonas, Mato Grosso, Pará Rondônia and Roraima, but it is probably also present in Acre and Amapá (BFG 2015). The species also occurs in Central America (Hammel 1997; Lombardi and Barrie 2015)." (Biral 2019). "Maytenus guyanensis is the most common species of the genus in the Amazon basin, where it occurs in both seasonally inundated and terra firme forests and also in vegetation on rocky outcrops. Its distribution extends northward to the tropical forests of Central America" (Biral & Lombardi, Brittonia, 66(4): 335. 07/06/2014). Voir aussi GBIF.


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