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Stephanoluma rugosa Baill., 1891

accepté comme Micropholis melinoniana Pierre, 1891


Type : D'après Molino et al. (Adansonia, 44(26): [345-]692[-903]. 13/12/2022): "Baillon based his Stephanoluma rugosa on “Sideroxylon rugosum A.DC. […] (non Roem. et Sch.)”. Actually, “Sideroxylon rugosum A.DC.” is not a name; it is a misinterpretation of Sideroxylon rugosum (Sw.) Roem. & Schult. by Candolle. Therefore, Stephanoluma rugosa is a new name, and its authorship is Baill., not “(A.DC.) Baill.”"


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