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Rudgea krukovii Standl., 1937


Taxonomie : "The poorly known species Rudgea krukovii has been synonymized with Rudgea viburnoides by Taylor (1993, Peru Catalogue) and Zappi (2003), but the type locality of this species is in a poorly known area of the southwestern Amazon basin, where several other Rubiaceae are endemic (e.g., Coussarea krukovii Standl.), and these Rudgea plants may deserve re-evaluation as a distinct species." (C.M. Taylor 2015 in Tropical studies in Rubiaceae).
Type : Brésil, Amazonas, bassin du Rio Madeira, Humayta, pr. Tres Casas, on varzea land, 09-10/1934, B. A. Krukoff 6173 (HT: V0077900F; IT: MO-797263, NY).


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