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Clusia oblanceolata Rusby, 1920

accepté comme Arawakia oblanceolata (Rusby) L.Marinho, 2019


Date de publication : Descr. S. Amer. Pl. 58. 1920.
Taxonomie : D'après Gahagen et al. (Syst. Bot., 40(4): 988. 15/12/2015): "Maguire placed C. oblanceolata in synonymy with T. weddelliana. An image of the holotype from NY and isotype specimens from G and MO (Rusby 1880) of this species were observed. Examination indicates that this taxon does not belong to Tovomita. Specimens have a terminal, dichasium-like inflorescence, sub-sessile leaves, and inconspicuous lateral veins resembling T. weddelliana, but the flower bud, with membranous sepals and larger petals, is similar to the morphology seen in Clusia and very distinct from the complex examined here."
Type : Colombie, cf. Magdalena, Santa Marta, Valparaiso, 5500 feet, 20/03/1898-1899, H.H. Smith 1880 (LT: GH00067430 [désigné par L. Marinho et al. in Molec. Phylogen. Evol., 134: 148. 08/02/2019, fide p. 142]; ILT: MO279807, NY00072442, US00114235).


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