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Nellica maderaspatensis (L.) R.W.Bouman, 2022


Autorité : D'après IPNI: "Nellica maderaspatana Raf., Sylva Tellur. 92 (1838), is judged to be a superfluous replacement name, and not correctible to ‘maderaspatensis’; therefore the entry 'Nellica maderaspatensis (Linnaeus 1753: 982) Raf. (1838: 92, as 'maderaspatana')' is judged to be an unintentional publication of this name. While no author was supplied for the new name, internal evidence shows that R.W.Bouman was solely responsible for the revision of Nellica, so the full list of paper authors was not used."
Distribution dans les îles éparses : Europa, Juan de Nova, Glorieuses
     Références : Boullet et al. (2018)


Première diffusion v17.0