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Philodendron 'Joep' Croat, 2022

accepté comme Philodendron xjoepii Croat, 2022


Nomenclature : "The introduced clone of this hybrid already has the cultivar name Philodendron ‘Joep’, formally established in Aroideana 33: 267. 2010. The cultivar name is often seen as “Philodendron ‘Joepii’” (e.g., Moonen, 2014, 2017). However, this is incorrect as joepii is prohibited as a cultivar epithet under the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants because it is Latin, which is almost entirely reserved for botanical names. The plant should now be referred to as Philodendron × joepii when the botanical name is applied, or Philodendron ‘Joep’ when the cultivar name is applied. Both are correct under their respective nomenclatural Codes." (Croat 2022).


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