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Schrankia argentinensis Burkart, 1952

accepté comme Mimosa candollei R.Grether, 2000


Date de publication : Legum. Argent. (ed. 2) 116, fig. 15, c-f, 542. 1952.
Homonymie : non Mimosa argentinensis Burkart, Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot., 1: 39. 1945 [= Mimosa debilis Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. 1806 var. debilis fide Barneby, 1991] (Argentine, Jujuy)!
Type : "Argentina: Misiones, Corr[ientes]." [protologue].
D'après Barneby (1991): "No typus seen, but the species of Misiones, as represented by Ekman 1627 (NY), e.g., is not different from var. lepotocarpa of Paraguay and extratropical Brazil."


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