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Marlimorimia psilostachya (DC.) L.P.Queiroz & Marc.F.Simon, 2022


Distribution : Amazonie, s'étendant de manière éparse jusqu'au Costa Rica (Borges et al. 2022, GBIF [voir aussi sous Pseudopiptadenia psilostachya et P. suaveolens]).
Taxonomie : D'après Borges et al. (2022): "Contrary to Grimes (1993), who recognised Pseudopiptadenia psilostachya and Ps. suaveolens as distinct species, we agree with Lewis and Lima (1991) on the synonymisation of Ps. suaveolens under M. psilostachya. These plants grow sympatrically and the traits used by Grimes (1993) to support recognition of two species are too variable to be diagnostic."


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