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Euphorbia variabilis Ces., 1838


Distribution : Italian Prealps of Trento and Lombardy. In the area of Lago di Como, on Monte Barro, Corni die Canzo and the mountains of the Gruppo delle Grigne in the vicinity of Lecco as well as around the towns of Bellagio and Como. Eastern populations persist in the region between Lago di Garda, Bondone and Brescia, especially in Valvestino.
     Références : Heimer & Frajman (2023)
Lectotype : . Type: ‘E. perennis glaberima’, umbelata 5– radiata, radicis dichotomis, involucellis reniiformibus– late triangulis. Foliis lineari–lanceolatis sessilibus patentibus integerrimis, glandulis biaristalis, stigmatibus longe–bifidis, capsulis laevibus glabris, minimus lauribus. (E. section Keraselma Neck.). In Mtis Barro et Valmeriae graminosis; var. β in Saposis apricis Mtis s. Lusiano. Fl. Majo et Junio. (834). Euphorbia oreophila β humilis Mihi. Communis in Mte Corniferu, prope San Siano. 31.5. 834.:/Euph. variabilis β humilis: Cesati. 31 May 1834, V. Cesati (RO–26/91, Herbarium Cesatianum), lectotype, designated here
     Références : Heimer & Frajman (2023)
Statut biogéographique : Absent de France : "Reports of E. variabilis from Tende and St. Martin Vésubie in the French Maritime Alps most likely refer to E. valliniana "
     Références : Heimer & Frajman (2023)


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